Full name is Nicholas 'Mikey' Benova

Gender: Male

Age: 19 and a half, a bit till 20

Nicholas 'Mikey' Benova is a 19 year old male living in eastern Europe. He lives alone with his pet rat Bingo and other members of the lords choir. The nickname 'Mikey' was given to him when he was very young and till this day he uses that nickname to characterize himself. He wears a dark green, almost black coat with matching pants, a white button up shirt and a black turtle neck under with plaid black and white sneakers. His skin is pale with one of his eyes being brown and the other green, alongside he wears black bulky glasses. His hair is long and dark brown with bangs swept on one side; he usually has it tied.

His hobbies include making whatever comes to mind, not washing the dishes, playing tag with Bingo, drawing, writing in his diary, daydreaming, watching his favorite shows, playing video games and more. Although he bought a cage for his best friend Bingo, almost all of the things inside are hand made.

His nature caused him to be seen as rather odd by his peers and, well, almost everyone.

Fact: the ahoge on his head may or may not have nerve endings.

Likes: writing, looking, pointing things out, glasses, turtle necks, pictures, GIFs, sites, comics, music, astronomy, singing, dancing, ice cream, he really loves ice cream, computers, monitors, any monitors, wires, cables, tiles, running, falling, sharp objects, the cold, cold stuff, rats, cats, plants, Bingo, the color red (it's his favorite), space, washing his hands, the night, the dark, observing things in the dark, the shrek movie, vampires, coats, long coats, alleyways at night, batman.

Dislikes: deserts, wrinkled paper, washing the dishes, really small pins, bags, the name Milosh, nylon socks and tights, porcelain dolls, waiting in line, doing nothing, the zoo, pools, working out, honey, spinach, cooked broccoli, dirty toilets, multiple toothbrushes touching, hot weather, hot water, ads, football, plain socks, bluetooth, early mornings, minimalism art, clothing tags, washing his hair, steam.

the rodent

how he has evolved (for now)

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