Stay hydrated in this weather (24.06.2023.)
I never shared my socials on here lol :P. (23.06.22023.)
I've been updating, changing and figuring out how i wanna make this site look for aprox 3 months now. Lol. I think it's time to actually take a small break and start finishing up some other things. My allergies calmed down and i can eat ice cream. Yum yum yum yumm yummy (20.06.2023.)
So many things went through my head and the moment i started making a new entry all of that information that was in my head vanished. For what reason, idk - funny me thinks. Kinda interesting and weird to me how this site is still not accesible yet i'm writting on here, it's also kind of sad ig? Logically it would be, but idk i don't feel sad writing (typing?) here. It's kind of nice. The song that is currently playing while i'm writing this is TOOL - Right in Two, thought i'd share that cause i love their music (^_^). Also these past few days allergies have been absolutely killing me, it felt like someone stuffed a dozen cockroaches up my nose. (19.06.2023.)
Still kinda embarassing to post my art on here, idk how i want that part of the site to look like. Also my last update on here was like 2 weeks ago, i'm running out of ideas lol also my keyboard is barely working (04.06.2023.)

Have not watched anything these past couple of months due to work !!! (16.05.2023)
This is me realising that... i do not know how blogs work. What do you write on here ? Do you write about your day ? What you've seen ? What you ate ? I am kinda unfamiliar with blogs... I mostly spend my time drawing or updating this site. I am also playing Oneshot and i think it's really cool. I love Niko sm. Also my paintbrushes are marinating in colored black water. (09.05.2023.)
AIUGHHGHAGH (07.05.2023)
Updating as much as i can. (01.05.2023.)
Very hard to figure out how i want to design this site... I am taking it slow and hope to finally figure most things out. I am just very lazy. (17.04.2023.)
Been working a lot these past 2 weeks ... (15.04.2023.)
Have not updated this in a couple days, but i am working on something. Been drawing a lot. (01.04.2023.)
Would say nothing here yet but i feel as if i have to atleast add something here. Made a blog for a reason, even though i don't use social media all that much; so in all honesty, i do not think i will be updating this every single day.
I want to post my art on here but i feel as if it's too early. I'll wait a little. (26.03.2023)