- Weirdly enough started excercising... let's see where that takes me... (-_-). Also been thinking of making a page 3 for my blog. Try to update every other part of the site except the blog challenge failed lmao :P. Also dream update, had a weird dream with a lot of lore. I was some dude out in the forest with my friends and we got attacked by like this slenderman x scp-096 lookalike. I ended up killing it by slitting it's stomach open. Fun stuff i tell you. After that a new part of the map was unlocked, yes unlocked, video game style. It was an old house with a lot of trees outside and when we wanted to exit the house we got the option to see the 'unfinished' part of the new map. It was basically like low poly... old roblox looking empty black trees and there was a guy sitting on a bench. Along with me was a girl named Alice, she went up to the man and distracted him while i went to a nearby cemetery to steal wires. I remember hiding behind this strange corner where i was apparently out of the mans sight. I stole wires from there and two guys showed up to the cemetery, i hid from them. I went back to Alice and told her that we needed to go inside the abandoned church in the cemetery. After going there two of the guys stopped us and told us that Alice was a descendant of the monster that i killed in the forest. We were shocked. Then i was hit with a backflash image of the monster lying on the floor, dead. That's all i remember. Fun stuff. Should've written it down once i woke up, but it was hard to get up that morning; so i didn't.
Besides all of that, i made a spacehey account... to try and talk to people. xd. (06.07.2024.)
- Getting my stuff together... (04.07.2024.)
- So much has happened i couldnt even make the time to log onto here and actually post an update. Its really hard these days to maintain anything but im slowly starting to get back into it. I havent logged into my instagram account in like 2 months and havent posted any art let alone worked on the comic... the third chapter is still in the works and, well, atleast im halfway done. Sigh... kinda have been procrastinating as well... (T_T)... (25.06.2024.)
- Hospital! Hospital! Hospital! What !?!?11 (11.05.2024.)
- Back from the dead to update teh blog. Very important. Kaworu Nagisa figure. (06.03.2024.)

- I haven't been posting stuff on my socials due to the strike that's been going on. Out of genuine respect. When the strike finishes i'll be posting normally again... been working a bunch. As for everything else, i'll be wrapping myself up in tinfoil. Thankyous. (25.02.2024.)
- Listening to Yakui the maids 'Goodnight World' album and by far it's my favorite...
Also Madoka arrived a couple of days ago :3 (18.02.2024.)

- Merry sleepless nights headscratchers and wingflappers! Entry 3 is taking a little while long to finish, but that wont bother anyone for sure - instead i bring valentines day art and maids. (16.02.2024)
- To those who celebrate it, if we even have a choice, happy valentines day. The only ones worth dying for are those who wish to give their innards to you, or let you rip them out. Either way, love people from both the inside and out. If you know what i mean. (14.02.2024.)
- It evolved 02.02.2024.

- meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. (2891.101.202456.) at 1234:3666 PeeEmm
- Although it is not advised to change the name of the site, i did... cuz yeah. Might've been stupid to do so. I don't know. (24.01.2024.)
- Hugh... last blog entry was in november. BEGINNING of november. Kinda disappointing to say the least, could've done betta! Overall, was working hard and drawing hard. Making gifs hard spending money hard reading hard scrolling hard driving hard drinking hard etc etc. Since the last entry was in november - I want to wish you all a very late new year's and merry christmas, i hope you all got the asbestos you so dearly yearned for. Here's to another year to cope with. (23.01.2024) at 12:15AM
- Happy late halloweener peepersquakers, even though it is not celebrated here where i live. Site has been looking... AWFULLY bland to me lately because i'm not spending as much time on it as i should. Only just now have i realised how boring the home page looks :'3. I'll make something up. (01.11.2023.)
- Weird thing is, as of recently i've been less interested in checking any of my socials. No engagement. Less engagement, instagram suxxxx lol :P. I don't have tik tok because i refuse to have tik tok (4 year streak i am winning). Ok but srsly jus working a lot. (28.10.2023.)
- Said so much on the last entry, i dipped for a month. Update on the dreams: as of recently been forgetting them a lot... i should keep a dream journal. If you think i spent the last month working you're wrong, will i own up to it? no. lol. maybe. watch me dip for a month again. feeling like spongebob rn. Anyways... celebrated Mikey's birthday this month (oct 1st) and celebrated my birthday as well (oct 9th). The reason behind Mikey's birthday being in october is because october is the best month and he was born 30 days before halloween, also because my birthday is in the same month. (16.10.2023.)
- Imagine if the people you meet in your dreams (that you've never seen in real life) are actually people from different universes. Dreams have ALWAYS been fascinating to me since i remember most of my dreams in detail and all of them are really weird and have no connection whatsoever. With a lot of dreams come nightmares i guess... been having those recently. Nightmares are easy to decipher because they're either coming from fear in our everyday lives or it's our subconscious telling us that something isn't right (or other). I remember having a dream that i was at school but the building looked nothing like what i've seen in my daily life; in that dream i was searching for someone (i do not know who, like a friend or something) and in the middle of my adventurous act i started lucid dreaming! Left my task quickly after that and ended up doing whatever i wanted. Other times i was at a hotel with a random group of people and we were forced to play hide and seek with some man. We didn't play group hide and seek, it was 1v1 (kid and man). The moment he found us, he'd kill us; simple. While it was a kids turn to play none of the other group members could interfere; the game starts when the person is given a task to find the man that was hiding in disguise. When found, you have 30 seconds to hide; and for you to succesfully beat him in hide and seek you had to do anything in your willpower to hide as best as possible - wihch meant erasing your tracks, hiding from windows or closing them, moving furniture around, closing ALL possible doors and turning off the lights. After the 30 seconds, the man starts seeking - and when he finds you, he kills you. How you could beat him is unknown, the only ways that i found are to change hiding spots (running from him) until he gives up, or he gets distracted by something and forgets about the game. All that i could remember from his looks is that he was tall... i can not remember his face or hair. Another time i had a dream i was a magical girl that stole ice cream and smoked a foot long blunt. (15.09.2023.)
- Why do you have to PAY for your tweets to be bulk deleted... they know too much. I did make a new account, but it didn't work. I am not a social being, therefore growing a new twitter account is outside of my abilities... i feel like invader zim rn. (06.09.2023.)
- I also updated Mikeys ref. He is officialy brand new.
- I didn't have my computer !! Now i finally have it again (-_-'), yippie yay. Not much has happened since the last entry, but i did get a new drawing pad and i'm drawing much quicker and better. I'm working on the second chapter of lunick and it's taking long to finish... this is hard... But that's ok. Also got a new figure... if i ever get the chance to - i will turn Mikey into a figurine. He shall suffer. (02.09.2023)
- procrastinating...
- It's kinda hard to stay constistent here. I never ran a blog, so my question's obviously 'how do people update their blogs everyday?'. Most of my days repeat, so i guess i have nothing interesting to note on this so called 'blog'. I got a miku nendo, an NGE poster and some free stickers! It's nice to finally start decorating my room after so many years of living in trash ^_^ I also got the first volume of dorohedoro, i don't wanna watch the anime tho. I am going to eat miku. (14.08.2023.)
- Ponytown...
- Everything takes so much energy to do! I just like being silly... (31.07.2023)
- I love disappearing off the face of the earth for a couple of days to just come back, as if i've done anything on those days (i have not). I guess i'm just silly like that. meow.meow . moew. moew. meow. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meowmeow meow meow meow meow emmwoe meow meow meowm eow meow moew. meow. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meowmeow.
- So so so so so much work, yet i do none ? (20.07.2023.)
- In all honesty, i changed the name on a whim. I always found it a bit complicated to pronounce, as it's pronounciation is not english. If that makes sense. English isn't my first language, so there will be some errors. I don't think this'll be a large issue, i am still experimenting with my stuff; all of the things that i make are just for fun. I also realised that a character from pokemon is named 'lunick' (16.07.2023.)
- I'm finally back home and can continue working. This break was really fun (^_^) (12.07.2023.)
- I won't be online for the next week and a half and ofc won't be updating the site much (30.06.2023.)
- Feeling way too silly rn
As of recently, medieval sorcerers have been lingering inside of my noggin (26.06.2023.)