- I can feel myself rotting. Never good enough to begin with. The new year is coming up, time is flying by. Nothing's changed. I'm still as miserable as always, worse even. No sign was meant for me.
- Finishing up slowly with entry 3... yuhhhss !!! Finallee, i get to work on this !! Life is hard... DO NOT let your kid sign up for this. Also posted art on the art page go look... (20.11.2024)
- Mikey's birthday was on the 1st ! Too bad i'm not that online to actually celebrate it... (03.10.2024.)
- It's cold. So cold here. And we don't have heating. Ah... fuck my stupid chungus life... I say as if this doesn't happen every single year. Mikey's birthday is coming up, october 1st, and so is mine, 8 days after. I've been drawing him so much, yet no one to see... i am so mysterious and awesome sauce. Sawce. Considering this is my blog, does this mean i have the full right to share personal things here? Well, yeah, i can do that anywhere, but the chances of my home address being leaked is rather high. So i would rather not. I have cats to feed over here. I feel sad. Melancholic these days. Actually, this has been going on for the past couple of months. I feel lonely. I don't really have friends. I do not have a best friend, not online, not irl. I just don't have one, and it makes me sad. I wish i had someone to share my personal experiences with, to talk with and to listen to. To play games with, and stuff. Get it? I have a partner, i could not be happier about that. I love them, so much. But who can i talk to about them? Who can get to know them through my lenses? It's weird. I have a partner, yet, on another half, i feel lonely. (22.09.2024)

- Yknow here's a thing, Mikey was supposed to have wavy hair but it was changed to him having spiky/straight hair because of the shift in artstyles and because i just wanted to change it. his hair was shorter and wavier. do y'all think he shaves be honest (08.08.2024.)
- been playing needy streamer overload and am currently watching elfen lied. i wonder what other stuff there is for me to indulge in. elfen lied kinda reminds me of evangelion. but that's probably because of my love for evangelion. (23.07.2024.)
- time goes on and everyhting's the same -_- ! as far as i'm aware of. for once the heat was tolerable and i used that opportunity to clean my room. not done. many trinkets. i did make a coin bank out of an energy drink can in hopes of gathering some money. many things in my mind to do ! so many ideas ! entry 3 of lunick is still being worked on but atleast im halfway done... for about 4 months now... (21.07.2024)
- the heat is unbearable and i literally can not do anything because of it. my unfinished art is waiting for me... i am sorry unfinished mikey i'll come back to you. overall woke up in the middle of the night to my cat yelling on the outside of my room, on my window, so i had to let her in. kinda funny considering she never really did that before. i wonder what she was doing out so late, she's usually home at that time. also wondering how and why my glasses get dirty so easily. do you ever think about how little we know? yes, we're surrounded by information from all over the world but even with all of that; we still know nothing and still, everyone thinks we know too much because we're exposed to this information online. but in all honesty, i don't think we know enough. (15.07.2024.)
- new blog page... can not believe i have art block rn this is insane... (13.07.2024.)